A couple more figures. Sargent girl, 4x6 inches is from a John Singer Sargent portrait. Head Study, 9x9 inches is from one of my model shots. Both if these are in oils on board.
Another Urban 9x9 tonal piece, Street Level in oils. Same process here, putting down paint over the whole board and wiping out the light areas. I then added some yellow ochre and raw sienna to some places to add a bit of richness.
Urban study, Looking South 9x9 inches in oils on board. This one is basically a wipe out painting. I put down Raw Umber to cover the entire board then wiped off the paint with small towels and old stiff brushes to create this piece. I added a touch of ochre in the distant buildings and added a few small highlights at the end. Click on image for a larger view.
Another figure piece, 11x14 in acrylics. I did many layers to build up the tonal flavor of this piece. I am working on figures this summer, a new area for me. Very fun but challenging.
Another small one, Misty Day 9x12. This piece is in acrylics with many transparent layers on top of the base palette knife painting. The focus of this piece was to get soft greens that were not too hard and build up the light in layers. Please click on the image for a larger view.